Monograph on Smart Grid

A new course on Smart Grid and Micro-Grid was introduced by Sharda University in the academic session 2017-18 in the curriculum of M. Tech. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) for two specializations, namely, Power Systems and Industrial Automation. The course was taught by Prof. H.K. Verma in the Autumn Semester. The present e-monograph on Smart Grid is being written by him on the basis of, but not limited to, his notes for the course. Feedback of the students will be used to explain further some of the more difficult aspects of Smart Grid.

The monograph on Smart Grid, at the end, will consist of the following seven chapters. First five chapters have been uploaded and the remaining chapters will be uploaded as and when completed.

Ch. 1 Basics of Smart Grid (2019)

Ch. 2 Smart Distribution (2019)

Ch. 3 Distribution Automation & Management (2019)

Ch. 4 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (2019)

Ch. 5 Smart Micro-Grid (2019)

Ch. 6 Smart Transmission (2019)

Ch. 7 Substation Automation (2019)